...by 2050, and thereafter emissions would actually have to be removed from the atmosphere to stabilize the climate.
2018 report
...the world’s greenhouse gas emissions need to be half of where they are now by 2030
2022 report
Human action remains the greatest uncertainty for the global climate
today's news
According to EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the average passenger vehicle emits 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Each year, millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide are produced by cars in the US alone.
The world has warmed more than 1 degree Celsius since the Industrial Revolution. Sea level shave risen more than 20 cm since 1880, and the rate is accelerating faster and faster!
Although cars can carry several passengers, the vast majority of drivers travel alone. Around the world, over 76% of workers commute on their own in a vehicle.
One of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to travel emission-free. Because our electric scooters are powered by a rechargeable battery, there are no emissions
Our electric scooters are eco-friendly products that also use energy-saving technology – One more reason to switch to an electric scooter and save the environment.
Also, more than 70% of our scooter’s components are made with recycled materials in the US and the EU
It is very quiet, which means youdo not contribute to noise pollution in cities.
This brings you closer to nature and the world around you.